This property contains information about the content of views that are available in piveau-hub-ui.
Contains configuration values that are used on the Datasets
Property | Description |
useSort | Enables the sort (default: true ). |
useFeed | Enables the RSS feed (default: true ). |
useCatalogs | Enables the usage of catalogs (default: true ). |
followKeywordLinks | Meta tag to indicate, whether search engines should crawl for subsequent links or not (default: nofollow ). |
maxKeywordLength | Maximum length of a keyword. Keywords that exceed this length will be truncated (default: 15 ). |
facets | see table below |
Property | Description |
useDatasetFacets | Enables the usage of dataset facets (default: true ). |
useDatasetFacetsMap | Enables the usage of dataset facets map (default: true ). |
showClearButton | Enables the facet clear button (default: false ). |
showFacetsTitle | Show title on top of the facets (default: false ). |
cutoff | Maximum amount o f available facets to be shown. Facets that exceed this amountwill be hidden (default: 5 ). |
MIN_FACET_LIMIT | The minimum amount of dataset facet items to be visible if collapsed (default: 10 ). |
MAX_FACET_LIMIT | The maximum amount of dataset facet items to be visible, overflowing facets will not be shown!!! (default: 50 ). |
FACET_OPERATORS | The facet operators of the dataset facets (default: Object.freeze({ or: 'OR', and: 'AND' }) ). |
FACET_GROUP_OPERATORS | The facet group operators of the dataset facets (default: Object.freeze({ or: 'OR', and: 'AND' }) ). |
defaultFacetOrder | The default order of the facets (default: ['publisher', 'format', 'catalog', 'categories', 'keywords', 'dataScope', 'country', 'dataServices', 'scoring', 'license'] ). |
scoringFacets | see table below |
Property | Description |
useScoringFacets | Enables the scoring facets (default: true ). |
defaultScoringFacets | The default scoring facets. |
defaultScoringFacets.excellentScoring | The default values for the Excellent scoring facet (351 - 405). |
defaultScoringFacets.goodScoring | The default values for the Good scoring facet (221 - 350). |
defaultScoringFacets.sufficientScoring | The default values for the Sufficient scoring facet (121 - 220). |
defaultScoringFacets.badScoring | The default values for the Any scoring facet (0 - 120). |
Contains configuration values that are used on the Catalogues
Property | Description |
useSort | Enables the sort (default: true ). |
useCatalogCountries | Use this option to achieve a more generic catalog page. If set to true , catalogs will be based on countries and therefore look for a "" value to compute, which country flag to be used. If set to false , catalogs will not be based on countries and therefore look for a "" value to compute, which catalog image to be used (default: true ). |
defaultCatalogImagePath | Set the default path to the catalog images (ROOT = "/src/assets/img"). If useCatalogCountries is set to true , this value should be equal to /flags . If useCatalogCountries is set to false , this value can be either an empty string to indicate, that the catalog images can be found inside /src/assets/img or any directory name inside /src/assets/img (starting with a / ) (default: /flags ). |
defaultCatalogCountryID | Set the default of a catalog if not available, only applicable if useCatalogCountries is set to true . Country flags can be stored inside the /flags directory like /src/assets/img/flags/<>.png with their filenames being equal to their (default: eu ). |
defaultCatalogID | Set the default of a catalog if not available, only applicable if useCatalogCountries is set to false . Catalog images can be stored inside any directory in /src/assets/img/ like /src/assets/img/catalogs/<>.png with their filenames being equal to their (default: european-union-open-data-portal ). |
facets | see table below |
Property | Description |
useCatalogFacets | Enables the usage of catalog facets (default: true ). |
showClearButton | Enables the facet clear button (default: false ). |
showFacetsTitle | Show title on top of the facets (default: false ). |
cutoff | Maximum amount of available facets to be shown. Facets that exceed this amount will be hidden (default: 5 ). |
MIN_FACET_LIMIT | The minimum amount of catalog facet items to be visible if collapsed (default: 50 ). |
MAX_FACET_LIMIT | The maximum amount of catalog facet items to be visible, overflowing facets will not be shown!!! (default: 100 ). |
FACET_OPERATORS | The facet operators of the catalog facets (default: Object.freeze({ or: 'OR', and: 'AND' }) ). |
FACET_GROUP_OPERATORS | The facet group operators of the catalog facets (default: Object.freeze({ or: 'OR', and: 'AND' }) ). |
defaultFacetOrder | The default order of the facets (default: ['country'] ). |
Contains configuration values that are used on the DatasetDetails
Property | Description |
header | see table below |
keywords | see table below |
description | see table below |
distributions | see table below |
downloadAs | see table below |
similarDatasets | see table below |
pages | see table below |
visualisations | see table below |
dataServices | see table below |
isUsedBy | see table below |
relatedResources | see table below |
bulkDownload | see table below |
quality | see table below |
Property | Description |
navigation | Position of the dataset details navigation toolbar (default: top ). |
hidePublisher | Hides the dataset details publisher value (default: false ). |
hideDate | Hides the dataset details date (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
showTitle | Enables the usage of keyword titles (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
enableMarkdownInterpretation | Enables the interpretation of markdown in the dataset details description (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
displayAll | Display all distributions (default: false ). |
displayCount | Amount of visible distributions (default: 7 ). |
incrementSteps | Increment step options, if displayAll is set to false (default: [10, 50] ). |
descriptionMaxLines | Maximum amount of lines in a description. Descriptions that exceed this amount will be truncated (default: 3 ). |
descriptionMaxChars | Maximum length of a description. Descriptions that exceed this length will be truncated (default: 250 ). |
showValidationButton | Enables the distribution validation button (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
enable | Enables the Download as feature (default: false ). |
proxyUrl | URL to Corsproxy service (default: ). |
url | URL to Conversion service (default: ). |
conversionFormats | List of possible conversion formats for each source file format. |
Property | Description |
breakpoints.verySimilar | Breakpoint for Very Similar rating (0 - 20). |
breakpoints.similar | Breakpoint for Very Similar rating (20 - 25). |
breakpoints.lessSimilar | Breakpoint for Very Similar rating (25 - 35). |
Property | Description |
isVisible | Show the dataset details pages section (default: false ). |
displayAll | Display all pages (default: false ). |
displayCount | Amount of visible pages (default: 7 ). |
incrementSteps | Increment step options, if displayAll is set to false (default: [10, 50] ). |
descriptionMaxLines | Maximum amount of lines in a description. Descriptions that exceed this amount will be truncated (default: 3 ). |
descriptionMaxChars | Maximum length of a description. Descriptions that exceed this length will be truncated (default: 250 ). |
Property | Description |
isVisible | Show the dataset details visualisations section (default: false ). |
displayAll | Display all visualisations (default: false ). |
displayCount | Amount of visible visualisations (default: 7 ). |
incrementSteps | Increment step options, if displayAll is set to false (default: [10, 50] ). |
descriptionMaxLines | Maximum amount of lines in a description. Descriptions that exceed this amount will be truncated (default: 3 ). |
descriptionMaxChars | Maximum length of a description. Descriptions that exceed this length will be truncated (default: 250 ). |
Property | Description |
isVisible | Show the dataset details dataServices section (default: false ). |
displayAll | Display all dataServices (default: false ). |
displayCount | Amount of visible dataServices (default: 7 ). |
incrementSteps | Increment step options, if displayAll is set to false (default: [10, 50] ). |
descriptionMaxLines | Maximum amount of lines in a description. Descriptions that exceed this amount will be truncated (default: 3 ). |
descriptionMaxChars | Maximum length of a description. Descriptions that exceed this length will be truncated (default: 250 ). |
Property | Description |
isVisible | Show the dataset details isUsedBy section (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
isVisible | Show the dataset details relatedResources section (default: false ). |
Property | Description |
buttonPosition | Position of the download button (default: top ). |
MAX_FILE_TITLE_LENGTH | Maximum length of the file name (default: 80 ). |
MAX_REQUESTS_COUNT | Maximum amount of requests at the same time (default: 5 ). |
INTERVAL_MS | Timeout interval between requests (default: 10 ). |
TIMEOUT_MS | Position of the download button (default: 10000 ). |
Property | Description |
displayAll | Display all distributions on the dataset details quality page (default: false ). |
numberOfDisplayedQualityDistributions | Amount of displayed distributions on the dataset details quality page (default: 5 ). |
csvLinter.enable | Enables the CSV linter service (default: true ). |
csvLinter.displayAll | Display all validation results of the CSV linter (default: false ). |
csvLinter.numberOfDisplayedValidationResults | Amount of displayed validation results of the CSV linter (default: 5 ). |
Contains configuration values that are used to create the map component.
Property | Description |
mapVisible | Enables the map on the Datasets page (default: true ). |
useAnimation | Enables the map animations (default: true ). |
location | The location which is used as center of the map (default: [[52.526, 13.314], 10] ). |
spatialType | The type of the location. (default: Point ). |
height | The height of the map (default: 400px ). |
width | The width of the map (default: 100% ). |
mapContainerId | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: mapid ). |
urlTemplate | The map API template (default:{z}/{x}/{y}.png ). |
geoBoundsId | The id used for geo operations (default: ds-search-bounds ). |
sender | see table below |
receiver | see table below |
options | see table below |
mapStyle | see table below |
The following properties are configuration values required by Leaflet.
Property | Description |
startBounds | The start boundaries for the map sender (default: [[34.5970, -9.8437], [71.4691, 41.4843]] ). |
height | The height of the map (default: 200px ). |
width | The width of the map (default: 100% ). |
mapContainerId | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: modalMap ). |
The following properties are configuration values required by Leaflet.
Property | Description |
startBounds | The start boundaries for the map sender (default: [[34.5970, -9.8437], [71.4691, 41.4843]] ). |
height | The height of the map (default: 250px ). |
width | The width of the map (default: 100% ). |
mapContainerId | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: mapid ). |
attributionPosition | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: topright ). |
The following properties are configuration values required by Leaflet.
Property | Description |
id | ??? (default: mapbox/streets-v11 ). |
accessToken | The Leaflet access token (default: pk.eyJ1IjoiZmFiaWFwZmVsa2VybiIsImEiOiJja2x3MzlvZ3UwNG85MnBseXJ6aGI2MHdkIn0.bFs2g4bPMYULlvDSVsetJg ). |
attribution | The Leaflet map attribution label (default: © <a href="">Eurostat - GISCO</a> ). |
The following properties are configuration values required by Leaflet.
Property | Description |
color | The color of map elements (default: red ). |
fillColor | The fill color for map elements (default: red ). |
fillOpacity | The opacity of filled elements (default: 0.5 ). |
weight | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: 2 ). |
radius | The HTML id attribute of the map element. (default: 1 ). |
Contains configuration values that are used for the DataProviderInterface
Property | Description |
useService | Enables the Data Provider Interface service (default: true ). |
basePath | The base path of the Data Provider Interface (default: true ). |
specification | Defines the DCAT specification used (default: dcatap ). |
annifIntegration | Enables the usage of Annif for autocompletion in Data Provider Interface (default: false ). |
enableFileUploadReplace | Enables file replacement when editing existing distribution, instead of creating new ones (default: false ). |
buttons | see table below |
doiRegistrationService | see table below |
Property | Description |
Dataset | Enables the Create Dataset button in the DPI menu (default: true ). |
Catalogue | Enables the Create Catalogue button in the DPI menu (default: true ). |
Property | Description |
persistentIdentifierType | Indicates the Persistent Identifier (PID) system that is used for the DOI service (default: eu-ra-doi ). |