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hub-repo Configuration#


The following environment variables can be used to configure hub-repo. An up-to-date version can be found in the gitlab repository.

Variable Description Default Value
PIVEAU_HUB_SERVICE_PORT The port for the service number
PIVEAU_HUB_API_KEY The API key of the service string
PIVEAU_HUB_API_KEYS A map of API keys associated with a list of resources. E.g. json
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.clientId Client ID of backend instance string
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.clientSecret Client secret of backend instance string
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.tokenServerConfig Token server config json
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.tokenServerConfig.keycloak Keycloak config json
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.tokenServerConfig.keycloak.realm Keycloak realm name string
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.tokenServerConfig.keycloak.serverUrl Keycloak Host string
PIVEAU_HUB_BASE_URI The RDF base url string
PIVEAU_HUB_FORCE_UPDATES Forcing update on put dataset boolean
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.address URL of the triplestore string
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.data_endpoint Relative CRUD endpoint of the triplestore string
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.query_endpoint Relative query endpoint of the triplestore string
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.username Username for the triplestore string
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.password Password for the triplestore string
PIVEAU_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.transferFormat Format to send to the triplestore string
PIVEAU_SHADOW_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.address URL of the shadow triplestore string
PIVEAU_SHADOW_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.username Username for the shadow triplestore string
PIVEAU_SHADOW_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.password Password for the shadow triplestore string
PIVEAU_SHADOW_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.transferFormat Format to send to the shadow triplestore string
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.enabled Enable the use of the validator bool
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.history Enable metrics history bool
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.metricsPipeName Name of the validation pipe string
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.enabled Enable the use of the indexing string
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.url Host of the piveau-search service string
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.port Port of the piveau-search service number
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.api_key API key of the piveau-search service string
PIVEAU_HUB_LOAD_VOCABULARIES Enable the loading of RDF vocabularies bool
PIVEAU_HUB_LOAD_VOCABULARIES_FETCH Enable the loading of RDF vocabularies from remote bool
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.enable Enable the machine translation service bool
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.accepted_languages Target languages to be translated array
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.translation_service_url URL of the translation service string
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.callback_url URL of the callback for the translation service string
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.url URL of the data upload service string
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.service_url Base URL of the download URL for the data string
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.api_key API key of the data upload service string
PIVEAU_HUB_CORS_DOMAINS Remote URLs, without protocol, that are allowed to access the hub. E.g. ["sub.domain.tld", "domain.tld"] JSON Array of strings
PIVEAU_FAVICON_PATH Path to a favicon. Can be a web resource string or URL
PIVEAU_LOGO_PATH Path to a logo. Can be a web resource string or URL
PIVEAU_IMPRINT_URL URL to imprint page. Used for OpenAPI GDPR complience URL
PIVEAU_PRIVACY_URL URL to privacy policy page. Used for OpenAPI GDPR complience URL
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.enabled Enable the validation of datasets via the metrics service false
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.metricsPipeName The name of the metrics pipe that is used metrics
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.history If the old metrics metadata should be saved as history or overwritten. false
greeting Meaningless string string


Older setups might have a configuration key PIVEAU_HUB_API_KEY to set a single API key. This configuration field is deprecated and ignored when the new PIVEAU_HUB_API_KEYS is set.


Variable Description Default Value
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_APPENDER Configures the log appender for the pipe context STDOUT
LOGSTASH_HOST The host of the logstash service logstash
LOGSTASH_PORT The port the logstash service is running 5044
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_PATH Path to the file for the file appender logs/piveau-pipe.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the pipe context INFO
PIVEAU_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the service console. INFO

Command Line Interface#

You can enable a CLI access for reindexing or working on the metadata:


$ telnet localhost 5000

The access point can be configured via the following environment variable that takes a JSON object:


This JSON object should look like this:

  "http": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8085
  "telnet": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 5000    

You can get a list of all available commands when entering help into the cli.